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UK KDS Karate-do Shotokai

University of Hertfordshire

The University of Hertfordshire Karate-do Shotokai club (UHKDS) has a long association with the University of Hertfordshire (Since the days of Hatfield Poly! and the much loved Hutton Hall) and was started in 1991 by Gavin Rothwell (having trained in Southampton under the likes of Steve Hope and Tony Lima famous training partners of Harada Sensei). He is now a 5th Dan himself having returned to Southampton and is part of the KDS technical executive.

In 1993 Alistair Woodward 4th Dan took up the reins, instructing at the club until 2008 (sometimes in a secondary capacity), In 1999 Julian Cox took on the instruction for two years, with James Barry 3rd Dan covering the period from 2004-5. The club has since been run by Phil Halsall 2nd Dan with enthusiastic assistance from Richard Plaskow.

The student club DOES accept external members (best joining at start of Autumn term), with students forming the majority of the membership. Our students take an active role in liaising with the Athletics union and other activities including the social side.

We are affiliated with the KDS, and members are invited to attend week-end courses which are held at other venues all over the country (many situated in other Universities – Oxford, Southampton, Keele and the like).

There is a local Sister club, Hertfordshire KDS.

Chief Instructor

Phil Halsall, [email protected] 

Training times

21:00 – 22.30
University of Hertfordshire, Hertforshire Sports Village (HSV), De Havilland campus.

14:00 – 15.30
HSV studio 1 (open to AU members only).

If you are in the vacinity of Stevenage, St.Albans, Hertford, Watford, Park Street, London Colney, Welwyn Garden City WGC or Hatfield come and give us a try.

Location 1

Hertfordshire Sports Village (cricket hall),
De Havilland Campus
AL10 9EU

25 - 27 April Abergavenny, 4-5 DanCourse information