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UK KDS Karate-do Shotokai


The Ascot KDS karate club was founded by Phil Glennerster in February 1986.

Phil has been training since 1972 and received his 5th Dan, the highest in this style of karate, from Sensei Harada in 1993. He has continued to dedicate himself to improving his karate skills and technique, emphasising commitment and effort in the club practice.

We are a friendly club with both male and female members, including many Dan grades. We all encourage and help each other as much as possible while developing our karate-do.

The only criteria for joining is that you must be over 18 and want to challenge yourself physically and mentally. Karate is open to everyone at any stage of their lives and we always welcome new members at any session throughout the year. You may attend the first session for free, as well as benefit from an introductory offer while you decide if our club is for you. Please let us know if you plan to come along or have any questions.

Visit our website

Membership Secretary: Hannah Budnitz             email: [email protected]


Chief instructor – Philip Glennerster, 5th Dan

Training times

Tuesday, 20:00-21:30 
Old School Gym

Thursday, 20:00-21:30
Old School Gym

Training begins with time for all to warm up. This is followed by kata, where beginners may be split from the group and given one to one tuition in a new kata.

We spend the rest of the time rotating in pairs, practising methods and building up to final kumite-style exercises testing what we have learned.


Charters Leisure Centre,
Sunningdale (part of Charters School) Berkshire,

7-9 March SPRING SCHOOL, all gradesCourse information