9-10 July, Oxford, black and brown beltby Lindsay Powell-JonesJune 4, 2022June 14, 2022 Oxford University KDS invites you to a black and brown belt course on the 9 and 10th July.For further information contact Minh Chung:Email: [email protected]Phone: 01865 280432 Register Training times Saturday 9 July 11:00 – 13:0015: 00 – 17:00Sunday 10 July 10:30 – 13:30 Costs One day only£20 or £15 studentBoth days£35 or £25 for studentNo charge for overseas members Location Oxford University Sports Centre,Iffley Road,Oxford,OX4 1EQ Saturday social All you can eat buffet (over 150 dishes) from around the world. Price: £22 Please would club leaders let me know how many members would like to attend the buffet by Monday 4 July. Cosmo Restaurant,8 Magdalen St, Oxford,OX1 3AD