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UK KDS Karate-do Shotokai

21 – 23 March, Reims, all grades

50th Anniversary

Reims KDS  will celebrate its 50th anniversary on 21, 22 and 23 March 2025 and we will be pleased to have you join this celebration.

There will be a karate course as usual but also a special Saturday social evening.

Please register your interest BEFORE Christmas, preferably:

  • how many people for the course
  • how many people for the special evening.

There are no course fees, but the special evening will cost 35 euros per person.

This will include an aperitif with champagne, a buffet and a couple of drinks, dessert and possibly a few surprises.

Let me know as well if you are vegetarian, vegan or suffer from allergies ie gluten free.


Please do not hesitate to contact me for further details or information:

e mail: gladys.cebrand

Training times

More information about the practices will be sent to you.

Friday evening

Halle universitaire croix rouge
Avenue François Mauriac
51100 reims

Saturday morning, afternoon and Sunday morning

Gymnase universitaire – campus Moulin de la Housse
Chemin des rouliers
51100 reims

Saturday evening social

Opposite the halle croix rouge,  avenue françois mauriac

Note that the practice  on sunday will finish at 1pm

Travel and accomodation

There are  cheap hotels in Reims, like ibis budget or airb&b.


If you come by train, there are two train stations, be careful

  • gare de reims (in the city center)
  • gare champagne  ardenne (outside but very easy for us to pick anyone here)


If you come by car from England the motorway from Calais is dead easy and straightforward to Reims in 2h30mn.


If you come by plane, Charles de Gaulle is easier as closer to reims.

From there either pick up a High speed train directly to gare  Champagne ardenne, if not possible go to gare de l ‘est in paris and pick up a train to Reims  gare de reims . 

Or rent a car , straight on the motorway to Reims from the airport –  1h30mn.

We can help if you need information regarding hotels, and we can pick you up at any of the two stations if you have no car and drive you to the hotels  and take care of you for the practices. 

7-9 March SPRING SCHOOL, all gradesCourse information